Super7’s Sex Pistols ReAction Figures Are Pretty Vacant

The Sex Pistols came and went in a flash but somehow managed to become an icon in the punk movement. For better or worse, the band’s look and songs continue to survive regardless of politics and tragedy. And because it was bound to happen at some point, Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious are getting the ReAction Figure treatment from Super7. Consumerism is so punk!

The 3.75″ tall figures are currently on pre-sale at $20 each. They should ship during the middle of February. Sid comes with his bass guitar, and Johnny comes with a microphone and stand.

The Sex Pistols
Photo Credit: Super7

I wasn’t only referencing one of the band’s songs when I said they’re pretty vacant. Both Vicious and Lydon look bored. Sid’s antics and behavior are somewhat legendary and possibly deadly. Here, his action figure looks like he’s mildly annoyed while standing in line at the DMV. I’ll give Super7 for trying to recreate the bass player’s smirk, but where’s the punk attitude?

I’m wondering if Super7 chose to give Johnny Rotten sunglasses because the company didn’t want to recreate his eyes. But, again, like Sid, Rotten lacks any of the attitude associated with the band’s frontman.

While both band members have a degree of notoriety, Sid especially, the most exciting thing about the Sex Pistols is their creation. The true story behind the band and the subsequent breakup may never be known. Unfortunately, Malcolm McLaren, the manager and proclaimed creator of the Sex Pistols, is a bit of a character and a somewhat untrustworthy narrator of his own story.

For Malcom’s take on how everything went down, check out The Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle. A much less one-sided take on the events can be found in the 2000 documentary The Filth and the Fury.

[Source: Super7] strives to be an apolitical, balanced and based pop culture news outlet. However, our contributors are entitled to their individual opinions. Author opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of our video hosts, other site contributors, site editors, affiliates, sponsors or advertisers. This website contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We disclaim products or services we have received for review purposes, as well as sponsored posts.

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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalin
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central,, and Fanbolt.

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