HasLab’s Transformers Generations Deathsaurus has officially passed every stretch goal and added an additional 4,500 backers within a few hours. This morning when I checked the crowdfunding project, it was sitting at 18,339 backers, passing the final stretch goal (A Throned Befitting The Decepticon Emperor) by 1,339 customers. Less than five hours later, I went back to check how things were going, and more than 4k people jumped on. HasLab has raised $4.1m as of writing this story.
This is impressive; there was a lull in the numbers a few weeks ago when the Transformers crowdfunding project was less than half-funded. In addition, there is some evidence that Hasbro may have worried that Deathsaurus may not have hit the needed numbers because only two stretch goals were listed. Typically, we see four or more tiers right out of the gate, sometimes with very lame add-ons being offered (see the Egon Spengler journal for the Proton Pack campaign).
Who would have thought this piece of Japanese Transformers canon would have gone over so well? Those who backed the Victory Saber project sure did. The number of backers for Deathsaurus is quickly catching up to Victory Saber’s 26,211 backers.
So, why did the H.I.S.S., Deathsaurus, Proton Pack, and Victory Saber succeed where projects like Reeva’s lightsaber and the Rancor failed? First off, no one cared about Reeva. She was a character who came out of nowhere, and the fanbase had zero previous familiarity with her. It also didn’t help that the lightsaber replica was overpriced. The Rancor was also in the same category as far as price was concerned. The toy itself looked OK for a render. However, paying over $300 for a single character with a cheap cardboard backdrop isn’t a smart buy. Hasbro also made the silly mistake of throwing in reissued Black Series figures to pad out the lackluster stretch goals.
In short, don’t treat the fans like cash cows. Sure, they’ll back expensive projects, but what’s being delivered needs to be well worth that price tag.
[Source: HasLab]ClownfishTV.com strives to be an apolitical, balanced and based pop culture news outlet. However, our contributors are entitled to their individual opinions. Author opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of our video hosts, other site contributors, site editors, affiliates, sponsors or advertisers. This website contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We disclaim products or services we have received for review purposes, as well as sponsored posts.