

Pure Imagination: Super7’s Willy Wonka ReAction Figures!

I've got a Golden Ticket! It came in the form of...

More Classic Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Figures Coming Soon!

Super7 has announced the next wave of The Simpsons 3.75" tall...

Super7’s ReAction Figures ThunderCats Wave 5 is Here!

If you've been collecting Super7's ReAction Figure ThunderCats line and were...

Bulk and Skull Finally Join Super7’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Ultimates!

Bulk and Skull, the two dim but persistent bullies of Angel...

Super7’s Ultimates Voltron Returns With A Gimmick!

Can you guess what the gimmick is? Well, unlike the last...

Super7 Announces Mars Attacks Ultimates & Boodega Edition Rita Repulsa

Last year's Super7 Boodega event gave us glow-in-the-dark Mars Attacks ReAction...

Super7’s ThunderCats Cats’ Lair Campaign Is Funded!

Super7's ThunderCats Ultimates Cats' Lair crowdfunding campaign has reached its first...

Super7 Finally Gets SilverHawks Ultimates Right … Four Waves In

Aside from the normal gripes, one of the biggest criticisms of...

Super7 To Crowdfund A Huge $650 ThunderCats Cats’ Lair

Super7 is relying on crowdfunding to make sure that the next...

ThunderCats Ultimates Wave 9: WilyKat And ReColored Figures…

Here we are. Nine waves into Super7's ThunderCats Ultimates, the well...
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