“Ahhh! It’s time to f-up Earth!” My Way Entertainment has forever changed my view on Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. From Gangsta Crizzab to Dennis Frogman, the dubs made an already silly show about men in goofy costumes even more hilarious. Now I can reenact those moments thanks to Super7‘s second wave of Ultimates Power Rangers figures.
This wave includes the Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, Rita Repulsa, Dragonzord, and King Sphinx. Finally! Rita Repulsa with loads of articulation and accessories! Now she can send the Grayside Gang out to mess up my G.I. Joes!
Each figure is priced at $55, the standard price for most Ultimates figures. Wave 2 is currently available for pre-orders either directly from Super7 or at Entertainment Earth. The release date looks to be set for September 2022.
The Red and Pink Rangers also come with interchangeable heads of Kimberly Hart, Katherine Hillard, Jason Lee, and Rocky DeSantos. Rita also comes with three heads, including a Kimberly one.
More of Angel Grove’s most awesome heroes and villains are about to get the ULTIMATES! upgrade!
The second wave of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ULTIMATES! adds two more teenagers with attitude with the Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger and Red Ranger, along with the mighty Dragonzord, the diabolical villain empress Rita Repulsa, and her magical minion King Sphinx!
What are your memories of Saban’s Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers? At that time, did you think it would continue to grow as the Japanese original did? Let us know in the comments.
[Source: Super7]
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