Spirit Now Has 1:1 ‘Ghostbusters’ Proton Pack Replicas!

Spirit has finally created a 1:1 replica of the iconic Ghostbusters proton pack! And it’s more affordable than the other ones currently on the market!

The pack is reasonably priced at $249.99. Remember that the 1:1 Hasbro version of the prop was $399 when it was being crowdfunded.

Obviously, there are some concessions made with the Spirit version. It is made for wearing, after all. Unfortunately, it’s not 100% screen accurate. The bumper in front of the cyclotron is all one piece, and the speaker holes are still not well hidden.

However, what this proton pack has on the older, smaller one is better detail and sound effects that don’t sound like you’re flushing a toilet. Also, the cyclotron lights are now in sequence rather than flashing along with the garbled sound effects.


The Ghostbusters proton pack from Spirit also comes with three patches and a pair of black gloves. Why? Dunno. I’d have rather had the pack include mounting hardware for an ALICE pack instead. The straps for the replica are built right into the motherboard.

As of writing, the life-sized replica proton pack is still available to order. So buy a few now, and then make a mint when Halloween comes around because they’ll probably be sold out!

Spirit's Ghostbusters Proton Pack 1:1 Replica
Photo Credit: Spirit
Spirit's Ghostbusters Proton Pack 1:1 Replica
Photo Credit: Spirit
Spirit's Ghostbusters Proton Pack 1:1 Replica
Photo Credit: Spirit
Spirit's Ghostbusters Proton Pack 1:1 Replica
Photo Credit: Spirit
Spirit's Ghostbusters Proton Pack 1:1 Replica
Photo Credit: Spirit

Check out the video below from Ghostbusters News to see and hear the Spirit Proton Pack in action.

  • Officially licensed
  • Light up and audio features
  • Includes:
    • Proton pack
    • Gloves
    • 3 Authentic logo patches
  • Adjustable straps
  • Dimensions: 26″ H x 15″ W x 10″ D
  • Material: Plastic, foam, polyester, nylon, wire
  • Battery Type: 3 AA batteries required (not included)

If you’ve been thinking about getting the less expensive smaller pack, check out my review of it below:

However, if the Hasbro Plasma Series Spengler’s Proton Pack has your eye and you’re wondering if paying $400+ on the secondary market for it, please read our review here.

[Source: Spirit Halloween Store]


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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalinhttp://syxxsense.com
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central, ScienceFiction.com, and Fanbolt.

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