OSHA Investigating Amazon Worker Safety Issues

This year, Amazon plans to cut around 9,000 people from the company. Hopefully, this number doesn’t include safety managers in Amazon’s global warehouses.

If anything, the company needs to hire more people in charge of safety or more safety conscience workers. Why? Because the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is investigating Amazon.

CNBC is reporting that the administration will continue to focus its gaze on the fulfillment centers of Amazon. Even with allegedly falling injury rates, OSHA believes the numbers outpace other warehouses. Allegedly, Amazon’s distribution warehouses make up for 53% of serious injuries. However, the distribution centers only employ 36% of US warehouse workers.

Doug Parker, the head of OSHA, did zero sugar-coating when it came to the problems found at Amazon’s US-based warehouses, “At every single facility we found serious hazards that were putting workers at serious risk of bodily harm. What is most concerning is the scale. We have every reason to believe that the types of processes where we found hazards in these facilities are processes that are used in Amazon facilities across the country.


One of the Government agency’s most prevalent accusations is that Amazon has been doing poorly at recordkeeping. For example, in December 2022, OSHA found six Amazon warehouses “failed to record, report worker injuries, illnesses.

The investigation led to OSHA issuing citations for 14 recordkeeping violations. Each penalty came in the form of a $2,072.00 fine for each screw-up. Considering the company’s massive size, the total costs are hardly a drop in the bucket.

Some of the specific violations are as follows:

  • On or about July 7, 2022, the employer failed to record a work-related injury that occurred on or about 6/30/22. An employee was lifting an inflatable canoe while working in Pack Singles and felt pain in wrist which continued when picking up another box. The injury resulted in days away from work.
  • On or about July 30, 2022, an employee working in Pick to Buffer suffered a work-related back injury resulting in multiple days away from work. The employer did not record the injury on the OSHA 300 log for calendar year 2022 within 7 days of receiving information that the injury was recordable.
[Source: CNBC]


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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalinhttp://syxxsense.com
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central, ScienceFiction.com, and Fanbolt.

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