‘Engage Kiss’ is a manga written by an author known as Itachi and was released by Square Enix starting in July 2022 at the same time as an anime directed by Tomoya Tanaka was produced. The anime was developed by A-1 Pictures with Aniplex producing an English dub which will stream to the Crunchyroll streaming service.
It is reported that Howard Wang (‘Moriarty the Patriot’) will portray Shu Ogata. Kayli Mills (‘Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-‘) is taking on the role of Kisara with Suzie Yeung (‘Orient’) handling the voice of Ayano Yugiri. Bill Butts (‘How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom’) will perform the character of Miles Morgan.
The anime is written by Fumiaki Maruto with Yoshiaki Fujisawa composing the music. The musician known as Halca performs the opening theme “Everyone, Scramble” while singer Akari Nanawo performs the ending theme song “Love-Brain.”
You can watch the trailer below:
MyAnimeList describes the synopsis as follows,
“Bayron City, a pioneering metropolis built on a newly discovered energy source, promises every citizen a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle. In reality, young demon exterminator Shuu Ogata’s life is far from extravagant. Despite running a private military business, he often struggles to make ends meet due to reckless expenses. Fortunately, Kisara, his demon partner, is more than eager to help Shuu with household matters—albeit a little too forcefully for his comfort.
The two work side by side, taking countermeasures against demon hazards, which stand as the biggest threats to the city. With danger lurking in the shadows, Shuu and Kisara strive to grant the town’s safety; however, exterminating the possessed comes with a price unbeknownst to others.”
The anime has a video game adaptation titled ‘Engage Kill,’ an RPG developed by Square Enix. The manga was serialized by the online webcomic magazine ‘Manga UP!’
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