‘The Dangers In My Heart’ is a romantic comedy manga written and illustrated by Norio Sakurai. The Japanese animation studio Shin-Ei Animation picked it up for an anime adaption that began releasing in April 2023. Sentai Filmworks acquired the license to stream it in the United States, debuting it on the HiDive streaming service.
HiDive revealed an English dub cast on their website:
- Ichikawa voiced by Clint Bickham
- Yamada voiced by Katelyn Barr
- Adachi voiced by Scott Gibbs
- Hara voiced by Natalie Rial
- Ichikawa’s Mother voiced by Sheley Calene-Black
- Igarashi voiced by Jade Kelly
- Ishimuro voiced by Savana Menzel
- Kana voiced by Genevieve Simmons
- Kanaoya voiced by Hilary Haag
- Kanzaki voiced by Greg Ayres
- Kobayashi voiced by Kara Greenberg
- Mamiya voiced by Cat Thomas
- Mr. Maeda voiced by Joe Daniels
- Nanjo voiced by Ben Mclaughlin
- Nigorikawa voiced by Chris Patton
- Ogawa voiced by Joe Daniels
- Ota voiced by Courtland Johnson
- Sekine voiced by Emi Lo
- Tazawa voiced by Sophie Marcelle
- Yoshida voiced by Olivia Swasey
You can watch the trailer below:
The Tokyo-based publisher Akita Shoten has been publishing the manga since 2018.
MyAnimeList describes the synopsis as follows,
“Kyoutarou Ichikawa may look like a shy and reserved middle school student, but deep within his heart is a bloodthirsty killer. His ultimate desire is to see his classmate Anna Yamada’s beautiful face writhing in pain before he ends her life. But this fantasy may never come to fruition, as Ichikawa starts to see an entirely different side to Yamada.
Often seeking refuge in the library, Ichikawa frequently runs into Yamada. It is during these encounters that Ichikawa realizes his model classmate is actually an airhead who can never read the room. As they spend more time together, the boy cannot help but feel not only a sense of endearment toward the very girl he wishes to murder but also a desire to protect her at all costs. Is it possible that this sudden change in Ichikawa’s perspective could lead to something more?”
Seven Seas Entertainment publishes ‘The Dangers In My Heart’ manga in the United States.
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