Super7 has just announced the 4th Wave of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers action figures. This wave consists of only three figures, but one of them honors a dearly departed franchise staple.
Wave 4 includes Madame Woe, the White Tigerzord in Warrior Mode, and the iconic Tommy Oliver as the White Ranger. Each figure is priced at $55 and is expected to ship in mid-February 2024. Pre-orders will only be taken up until April 21st.
Jason David Frank, one of the most established actors in Saban’s version of Power Rangers, passed away in November 2022. Jason’s turn as the Green and White Rangers was a fan favorite. In a way, he was the face of the franchise in the U.S.

The ultra-creepy Madame Woe is light on accessories:
- 6x Interchangeable hands
- 2x Claw hands
- 2x Flat hands
- 2x Open hands
- 6x Interchangeable hair braids
- 2x Hair braid extensions
- 2x Hair braid loops
- 2x Hair braid ends
- Soft goods dress

Tommy Oliver, the White Ranger, comes packed with all of these heroic accessories:
- 3x Interchangeable heads
- 1x Helmet head
- 1x Ponytail head
- 1x Long hair head
- 10x Interchangeable hands
- 2x Fist hands
- 2x Open hands
- 2x Gripping hands (vertical)
- 2x Gripping hands (horizontal)
- 2x Martial arts hands
- Saba
- Saba laser eye head
- Toy-inspired saba
- Sword of Light
- 7x Tigerzord power orbs

Warrior Mode White Tigerzord comes with the following:
- 4x Interchangeable Hands
- 2x Fist hands
- 2x Gripping hands (vertical)
- 1x Mighty Morphin White Ranger mini-figure
- 1x Sword
- 1x Fireball effect
- 1x Tigerzord power coin
If the price tag for a Ultimates figure is too much for you, check out the $20 White Ranger ReAction figure. Those are available right now!
Who was your favorite actor from Saban’s series? Let us know in the comments section below!
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