

Bulk and Skull Finally Join Super7’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Ultimates!

Bulk and Skull, the two dim but persistent bullies of Angel...

Super7’s Ultimates Voltron Returns With A Gimmick!

Can you guess what the gimmick is? Well, unlike the last...

Super7 Announces Mars Attacks Ultimates & Boodega Edition Rita Repulsa

Last year's Super7 Boodega event gave us glow-in-the-dark Mars Attacks ReAction...

Super7 To Crowdfund A Huge $650 ThunderCats Cats’ Lair

Super7 is relying on crowdfunding to make sure that the next...

Marvel Comics Will Revisit The Ultimate Universe In ‘Ultimate Invasion’

The Ultimate Universe was a 2002 Marvel Comics campaign that retooled...

Conan Ultimates! Wave 5 Gives Us Another Chance To Get Thulsa Doom

"All that matters is that two stood against many!" Super7's next...

Karai Kicks The Rat King Out Of Super7’s TMNT Ultimates!

Last month we covered the 10th wave of Super7's TMNT Ultimates...

Gung-Ho & Zartan Headline G.I. Joe Ultimates Wave 4!

It has been over a year since Super7 announced the next...

Super7’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Ultimates Honor Tommy

Super7 has just announced the 4th Wave of Mighty Morphin Power...

Super7’s 10th Wave Of TMNT Ultimates Is The Best In Years!

We've been wondering if it was time for Super7's Teenage Mutant...
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