‘Saint Girl’ is a magical fantasy anime from TMS Entertainment that ran for three seasons between 1995 and 1996 for a total of forty-three episodes. Discotek Media announced that they are bringing the entire series in its original Japanese audio with English subtitles to North America through a high-definition blu-ray DVD release.
The release will also include the first fifteen episodes in an English dubbed version. These are the only episodes that were produced with an English voice cast. Discotek plans to release the DVD box set on April 25th, 2023, though it is currently available for pre-order on the Right Stuf Anime website.
You can watch the trailer below:
At one point, the producers of the English dub removed any religious references made in the original version of the first seven episodes, though that stipulation was removed later.
The anime is based on the manga series ‘Mysterious Thief Saint Tail’ by Japanese author Megumi Tachikawa. It was published by Kodansha in Japan and Tokyopop in the United States. It is currently out of print.
Wikipedia describes the anime’s synopsis as follows,
“Middle school girl Meimi Haneoka transforms into the mysterious thief Saint Tail and steals back random belongings that were stolen using magic tricks. She’s assisted by her best friend, classmate, and sister-in-training, Seira Mimori, whose position in the church after school each day allows her to hear the troubles of those who have been wronged and have come to pray to God.
While Saint Tail steals to right the wrongs done to innocent people, she’s considered a thief by the police force. Her classmate, Daiki Asuka Jr.—called Asuka Jr.—and son of Detective Asuka, is hot on her trail. Saint Tail delivers notices of her planned capers to Asuka Jr., to give him a fair chance to catch her.”
‘Saint Tail’ also received several video game adaptions that were made available on the Sega Saturn, Master System, and Game Gear gaming consoles.
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