Disney is exploring new intellectual properties following their acquisition of 20th Century Fox through another one of their subsidiaries Marvel Entertainment. They are launching a new comic book imprint based on 20th Century Studios that is being billed as an off-shoot of Marvel in March 2023 with a familiar science fiction title as their debut series.
“The new imprint will kick off with PLANET OF THE APES #1, on sale April 5, shortly followed by Marvel’s upcoming ALIEN and PREDATOR comic book series. Fans will see the 20th Century Studios comic book imprint reflected on PLANET OF THE APES, ALIEN and PREDATOR covers beginning with PLANET OF THE APES #1, ALIEN #1, and PREDATOR #2 in April and moving forward,” Marvel said on their website.
They continued, “Marvel Comics’ new imprint will draw upon 20th Century Studios’ award-winning and pop culture-defining franchises that have reached millions of fans around the globe, including iconic franchises like Planet of the Apes, Predator, Alien, and more.”
Marvel previously had titles based on Alien and Predator but they were released under their main banner, but they will soon fall under the 20th Century Studios imprint.
Marvel editor-in-chief said in a statement, “Ever since we announced our Alien and Predator comics, we hoped to create a special space within our comics line to go even bigger and bolder and keep building on the iconic moments from these properties that we all know and love. This 20th Century Studios comics imprint, in collaboration with our friends at 20th Century Studios, is the perfect way to do that.”
20th Century Studios President Steve Asbell added, “We’ve had a blast working with C.B. and his team and, as lifetime Marvel comics fans, it’s an honor to be a part of such an enduring creative legacy.”
“We think fans will love the fresh takes on these beloved, iconic movies,” Asbell continued.
They also revealed the cover for Planet of Apes #1:
The first issue of ‘Planet of the Apes’ will be available for purchase is Monday, March 6.
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