Marvel Comics Promotes Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine in New Comic Book. Backlash Ensues.

Marvel Comics has teamed up with Pfizer and BioNTech to produce a brand new Avengers comic called “Avengers: Everyday Heroes” which serves as a way to help promote the COVID-19 vaccination.

Written by Paul Allor and art by Pico Diaz, the story sees Marvel villain Ultron reading havoc on the city as the Avengers fight him off. Meanwhile, a group of patients at a hospital compare how Ultron keeps coming back to how the COVID-19 virus also keeps coming back. They claim that if you keep up on your vaccinations that you will be able to beat back the virus, just like how the Avengers beat back Ultron.

The comic is made available digitally for free for everyone to read via the official Pfizer Twitter account and Marvel’s website.


However, shortly after the announcement was made the tweet saw massive pushback online, getting massively “ratioed” via the replies and in quote tweets. While many of the replies are being hidden by Pfizer the quote tweets are still visible.

Many responses criticize the push for the controversial treatment which has been heavily politicized over the past couple years. Many also criticizing the promotion of big Pharma corporations. The fact that Pfizer has become such a controversial company in recent months doesn’t help.

Yes, it is true that in the past in shows like He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and G.I. Joe used to have P.S.A.s at at end of each episode, but this is an outright advertisement for a specific pharmaceutical product from a controversial provider.

In 2017, Marvel cancelled a similar promotional comic book for defense contractor Northrop Grumman due to Twitter backlash.

Hat Tip: Bounding Into Comics

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