Marvel Comics has announced that they will be celebrating the end of the Sequel Trilogy with… a bunch of # 1s featuring exclusively Original Trilogy characters?! Guess it’s all about what sells.
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From Superhero Hype…
“Now that we’ve made it to 2019, Lucasfilm is about to ramp up promotional efforts for Star Wars: Episode IX. Part of this means new comic book tie-ins, and Marvel has several Star Wars-related issues scheduled for release this spring. Starting in April, Marvel will publish 10 one-shot comics set during the original Star Wars trilogy under the Age of Rebellion banner.
Each of the first nine issues of Age of Rebellion will concentrate on a single character from the original trilogy; including Princess Leia, Grand Moff Tarkin, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Lando Calrissian, Jabba the Hutt, Luke Skywalker, and Darth Vader. All of these installments will be written by Greg Pak. Pak is primarily known for his work on Hulk-related titles for Marvel as well as a stint on Action Comics for DC. Chris Sprouse and Marc Laming will be handling artistic duties.”
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