HeroQuest Is Getting A Frosty New Expansion Set

The recently rebooted HeroQuest RPG must be doing something right because it keeps getting expansion packs. Hasbro Pulse has announced the latest expansion from Avalon Hill is called The Frozen Horror. Not only does this $44.99 set give you new quests, but also a new hero and several new characters, including a Yeti!
The Frozen Horror is not a standalone game; it requires that you have a copy of Avalon Hill’s version of the HeroQuest game system. That’ll set you back around $100-$125. Expect the expansion set to arrive in September.


Revisit and delve deeper into the rich story of the HeroQuest dungeon crawling adventure game. With the Frozen Horror expansion, players must destroy the evil Frozen Horror, a ferocious creature long banished, but has now returned to its ancient seat of power, and awaits Zargon’s summons. The powerful Barbarian must survive dangerous solo quests and only then will fellow heroes join him. Immerse yourself in the fantasy with the stunning artwork, 21 detailed miniatures, full-color tiles, and 10 exciting quests not seen in the initial HeroQuest Game System..

The expansion set comes with the following:

  • Quest book featuring 10 quests
  • 21 finely detailed miniatures (Frozen Horror, Barbarian, 12 Mercenaries, 3 Ice Gremlins, 2 Polar Warbears, 2 Yetis)
  • 2 dungeon doors
  • 35 game cards
  • 3 cardboard tile sheets
  • 6 combat dice
  • 2 movement dice
  • pad of character sheets
  • Instructions

Avalon Hill’s HeroQuest is an updated version of the Games Workshop board game released in 1989 and lived on through expansion packs until the late 1990s. The original HeroQuest was a great way to introduce the mechanics of roleplaying games to those unfamiliar with Dungeons & Dragons. The rules allowed for much flexibility, and the game has become a collector’s item.
Remember, the best thing about HeroQuest is owning more HeroQuest!

Did you play the original Milton Bradley game? What about the updated and far more expensive version? Let us know in the comments section below.
[Source: Hasbro Pulse]


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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalinhttp://syxxsense.com
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central, ScienceFiction.com, and Fanbolt.

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