PlayStation Update 7.0 Includes Discord & More Cloud Gaming

The PlayStation 5 is getting better Discord integration and cloud streaming of PS5 games. Insider Gaming reports via unnamed sources that the update 7.00, coming March 8th, 2023, will finally allow console owners to stream the latest PS5 titles. Considering it’s easy to run out of space on Sony’s new hardware, this could be great news for gamers with a good ISP. IG did not specify if the cloud-based games will run at 4K or which titles would be available when the update rolls out.

As far as Discord goes, some connectivity already existed on the console, thanks to an update from last February. However, all you could really do was link your PS5 account, and there were some questions about privacy. With update 7.00, users may have access to the same functionality of the phone app or PC version of Discord. You should be able to voice chat and join servers; whether or not admins and mods can make on-the-fly changes to a server is unknown. We should know more once the beta test kicks off before the end of the month.

Cloud gaming for PS5 titles will be locked behind the PlayStation Plus Premium subscription service. A 12-month subscription to said service is $119.99 but is on sale until 1/14 for $79.99.

Now that the PlayStation 5 is becoming more readily available, we may see more improved features. If you’re still hunting for the console and don’t want to pay the scalpers, I’d suggest checking out our previous article on how to nab one. Or, just check out Best Buy’s website every week. When I stopped by last week, there were six PS5 GoW bundles sitting behind the customer service desk. That’s the most PS5s I’ve ever seen in one place!

What do you think of the improved Discord integration? Let us know in the comments section below.

[Source: Insider Gaming] strives to be an apolitical, balanced and based pop culture news outlet. However, our contributors are entitled to their individual opinions. Author opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of our video hosts, other site contributors, site editors, affiliates, sponsors or advertisers. This website contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We disclaim products or services we have received for review purposes, as well as sponsored posts.

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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalin
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central,, and Fanbolt.

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