‘MythForce’ Promises A Roguelike Brawler Honoring Cartoons of the 1980s

Are you ready to charge into a castle full of monsters with a group of friends? Get your spells, bows, swords, and shields ready because MythForce is going to procedurally generate 1980s nostalgia!
Tech Radar made us aware that a new roguelike four-player online co-op FPS is on the way that wants to recapture the action-adventure genre of 1980s cartoons like He-Man, Dungeons & Dragons, and Thundarr the Barbarian. The title is being developed by Beamdog, a game studio run by CEO and Bioware co-founder Trent Oster.
The game will be in early access starting on April 20th via the Epic Game Store. The title will be priced at $29.99, and the content will be delivered in the form of “episodes.” Check the trailer out below:

Inspired by beloved 80s cartoons, MythForceunites swords & sorcery with gripping 1st-person combat in a roguelite adventure fit for Saturday mornings. Brave the dungeon alone or join forces with friends to take on an ever-changing Castle of Evil!

Here are the technical specs because, as of right now, this will only be available on PC:

Epic Games
MythForce’s official website goes hard on the nostalgia bait, but what about the gameplay? It appears to be a bit rough, but the cel-shaded models look pretty good.
The voice acting, though, leaves a lot to be desired. If you’re going to market a game on ’80s cartoon nostalgia, get some VO artists who put conviction into their performances. Maybe the lines we hear in the trailer are placeholders?
The trailer is getting a lot of positive comments, but the downvotes are surpassing the upvotes. Here’s a screenshot of the trailer I took this morning:
What do you think of MythForce based on the trailer? Let us know your opinions in the comments section below.
[Source: Tech Radar]


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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalinhttp://syxxsense.com
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central, ScienceFiction.com, and Fanbolt.

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