‘Deiji Meets Girl’ is a fantasy anime series of twelve shorts from the Japanese animation studio Liden Films. The show is directed by Ushio Tazawa and written by Akane Malbeni. It aired on the Super Animeism programming block in Japan and now GKids is bringing it to North America.
“GKIDS, the acclaimed producer and distributor of animation for adult and family audiences, announced today it has acquired the North American distribution rights for DEIJI MEETS GIRL, the short anime series directed by Ushio Tazawa, with animation from LIDENFILMS,” they said on their website.
GKids continued, “The series premiered at the 25th Fantasia International Film Festival, and was released as 90 second weekly episodes broadcast on Japanese television networks. Ushio Tazawa has previously worked as an animation director and key animator for various acclaimed anime projects, including Makoto Shinkai’s your name. and The Place Promised in Our Early Days, as well as Masaaki Yuasa’s Mind Game. GKIDS will release DEIJI MEETS GIRL theatrically this year.”
The release date has yet to be confirmed and there has been no word if GKids will provide an English dub.
You can watch the trailer below:
GKids lists the synopsis as follows,
“Maise is stuck spending the summer after her first-year of high school helping out at her family’s hotel in the sleepy seaside town, but things become a little less sleepy once Ichiro, a mysterious young man, checks into the hotel. It seems as if only Maise and Ichiro can see the strange, sudden apparitions: the hotel lobby and the room transforming into an aquarium, a giant tree erupting from the floor or the rowdy monsters laying claim to the hotel restaurant. Maise vows to figure out not just what’s causing these odd occurrences but why Ichiro has come to this remote town in the first place.”
The series was adapted into a manga from Flex Comix through their Comic Polaris magazine written by Akane Malbeni.
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