Last December, The HasLab crowdfunding campaign for the Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler’s Proton Pack ended successfully. It blew past all stretch goals and raised over $7.6m. Sadly, updates over the past year have been infrequent, and the shipping window remained stuck on the nebulous date of “Spring 2023.” Considering how well the campaign went, I was expecting Hasbro to keep us all up to date more often. But then, out of nowhere, we received some surprising news nearly a year after being fully funded.
Those who backed the Ghostbusters project received an e-mail from HasLab asking us to ensure our shipping info was current by January 1st, 2023. Typically, Hasbro sends these things out within 60 to 90 days before the order ships. So, could this mean we’re getting our hands on the unlicensed nuclear accelerators early?!
I double-checked the Proton Pack’s update page at Hasbro Pulse, but nothing had changed from much earlier in 2022. However, more info was unearthed after some digging, thanks to the fan community. According to insider info obtained by Ghostbusters News, the packs are likely to arrive early, possibly within two months, and almost certainly before Spring. Spring of 2023 starts on March 20th and ends on June 21st. So, at the most, we could be getting our packs five months early. Considering Hasbro is giving backers until New Year’s Day to update their shipping information, I’d reasonably expect the Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler’s Proton Pack to leave distribution by the beginning of February.
This is the only HasLab project I’ve ever backed because I was 100% sure it would succeed. Over the last 20+ years, I’ve bought and sold lots of props and replicas, with the most considerable demand being for Proton Packs. The Plasmas Series version’s draw was partly due to Hasbro offering a fully functional prop (wand sold separately). That, combined with the price, made it hard to pass up. The other thing HasLab had in its favor was that only one other company, Mack’s Factory, is officially licensed to sell 1:1 replicas. As far as I can tell, it has yet to release all the parts needed to create a complete replica.
Due to Hasbro’s success here, will it make the Proton Pack available for retail after backers get theirs? What do you think? Let us know below.
[Source: Ghostbusters News] [Source: HasLab] strives to be an apolitical, balanced and based pop culture news outlet. However, our contributors are entitled to their individual opinions. Author opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of our video hosts, other site contributors, site editors, affiliates, sponsors or advertisers. This website contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We disclaim products or services we have received for review purposes, as well as sponsored posts.