Every Stretch Goal Met! Spengler’s Proton Pack Campaign Succeeds!

With two days left, the Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler’s Proton Pack crowdfunding campaign at HasLab is an astonishing success. When the project launched, it only took one week to hit the necessary 7k backers to get the replica produced. Four stretch goals remained at 9k, 11k, 13k, and 15k. In no time, most milestones were smashed through.
As the final days of the crowdfunding project drew to a close, the situation got a little iffy. Would another thousand people put down the $399 for a replica that wouldn’t be delivered until Spring 2023? Yup, they sure would! Even with a little over 24 hours left, the proton pack received over 16k backers and may climb even higher before the clock runs down.
To think, even after the media backlash about toxic fans and how the original Ghostbusters brand wasn’t “popular,” thousands of people came out to endorse a project dedicated to one of the most iconic props in all of entertainment. Maybe, just maybe, if you treat the fans who’ve kept a franchise alive for decades with respect, they’ll gladly buy your product? Who would have f’ing thought that was a good idea?!
So, what do we get now that the 15k goal was blown by? The stand. Yup, something useful, unlike the 13k notebook and stickers. I’m still confused as to why Hasbro included something like that. But, at least now we have what looks like a sturdy bucket seat for our packs. I wish Hasbro would let us know what it’s made of, though. Odds are it will be sturdy plastic, but having a metal stand would be a nice reward for all the fans coming together.

For whatever reason, Hasbro did not put up videos showing the pack in detail. However, the company did send over a representative to Adam Savage’s workshop, where a prototype of the Proton Pack was shown off. The video below shows the replica in action, including how the hose connects to the thrower and how parts are removable for customization.

We’ll be posting a cosplay guide soon for those who want to get their ALICE packs and costume parts ready when this thing finally arrives in 2023.
[Source: Hasbro Pulse]

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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalinhttp://syxxsense.com
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central, ScienceFiction.com, and Fanbolt.

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