The next upcoming movie for the ongoing Marvel Cinematic Universe is the sequel to the 2019 movie, Captain Marvel. Only this time she won’t be alone in a cosmic adventure for The Marvels. Both Monica Rambeau and Kamala Kahn will show up in the sequel and help Captain Marvel. The three superheroines will find themselves tangled up with their powers as a new enemy threatens Earth in a very big way. With the movie about a month away from release, marketing for the film has begun to ramp up in many places.
A brand new teaser trailer for The Marvels was released by Marvel Studios which focuses on Carol Danvers. The teaser is titled “The Return of Captain Marvel” and highlights some big moments from the past appearances of the character in other Marvel projects. This includes quick shots of Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury using a cosmic pager in the post-credits for Avengers: Infinity War to contact Captain Marvel. We also revisit other parts of the first film, including many shots of Carol using her powers, and some of her interactions with The Avengers during the events of End Game.
The rest of the teaser gives audiences a glimpse at various points during The Marvels with Carol interacting with many characters. Most of the footage is recycled from previous trailers and teasers of the movie, with little to no other new looks at the film. But just like before, the teaser emphasizes the phrase that Carol and her allies repeat together. Higher, further, Faster.
While the first Captain Marvel film took place mostly in the 90s, everything that happens in The Marvels will occur in the present day for the MCU. An event that takes place during the film will cause the light-based powers of Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau, and Ms. Marvel to go haywire and constantly switch places with each other. Previous trailers for the film revealed that the trio will come together in a comedic way, but will end up working together as they face a new villain named Dar-Benn. The Marvels will see Brie Larson reprise her role as Captain Marvel, with Lashana Lynch as Monica Rambeau and Iman Vellani as Kamala Kahn.
Are you looking forward to the release of The Marvels in theaters? Did you enjoy the first Captain Marvel movie? What do you think the story in The Marvels will do for the rest of the MCU going forward? Let us know your thoughts about everything down below in the comment section! strives to be an apolitical, balanced and based pop culture news outlet. However, our contributors are entitled to their individual opinions. Author opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of our video hosts, other site contributors, site editors, affiliates, sponsors or advertisers. This website contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We disclaim products or services we have received for review purposes, as well as sponsored posts.