Streamer Beats Elden Ring’s Malenia Twice Simultaneously

If you ever rage quit during an Elden Ring boss battle, keep in mind that someone was able to beat multiple bosses simultaneously while using a controller and dance pad. That’s what one Twitch streamer did not once but three times with some of the game’s most notorious bosses.

Malenia is a demanding boss. With each strike she lands, she regains a chunk of health. Even after you defeat her, Malenia morphs into her second form, and the fight renews. To say she’s a pain in the backside is an understatement. Imagine taking on this boss fight twice simultaneously while using two controllers, one of them being a DDR-style dance pad. That’s what Twitch streamer Miss Mikka did as part of her Ultimate Challenge Run.

In a tweet from the streamer, Miss Mikkaa states that it took 199 tries to pass this odd challenge finally. Considering that Elden Ring asks more of a player than to hack and slash at an enemy mindlessly, it is an impressive feat to topple two bosses at once. It’s even more stunning that she used a dance pad rather than something like the XBOX’s Adaptive Controller. She initially pulled off the same stunt against Margit and Godrick in mid-December and again versus the Godskin Quartet on December 28th.

In case the Tweet does not load, Miss Mikkaa said the following when posting about defeating Malenia: “2x MALENIA HAS BEEN DEFEATED! After 3 days and 199 tries Malenia is dead in the Ultimate Challenge Run where I play Elden Ring twice simultaneously (with a dance pad & controller). In the beginning I was not even sure if this run was possible. Radagon/Elden Beast is next!


I put Elden Ring on hold for a while because of the Malenia battle. No other boss fight in the game was as aggravating to me as that one was. Maybe I need to use a dance pad?

[Source: Twitter]

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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalin
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central,, and Fanbolt.

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