‘Spider-Man’ Issue 1 Trailer Teases End of the Spider-Verse

Marvel Comics is rebooting the ‘Spider-Man’ comic book series with writer Dan Slott and illustrator Mark Bagley working on it as the new creative team. They are teasing an epic event titled ‘Edge of the Spider-Verse’ with a new trailer that suggests the Spider-Verse could come to an end.

“Featuring Peter Parker and other fan favorite Spider icons like Spider-Woman, Ghost-Spider, Miles Morales, and Silk, SPIDER-MAN will be packed full of “twists and turns and emotional stakes,” according to Slott. After all, Morlun is back, and he is not alone. Allied with Shathra, one of the most powerful beings known to the Spider-Verse, the scariest Spider-Villain of all time is making his biggest play and no Spider is safe – especially not the Chosen Spider himself, Peter Parker. With Peter working for Norman Osborn and using a glider due to the events of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN… does he have it coming,” Marvel said on their website.

You can watch the trailer below:

“Mark Bagley and I are ending the Spider-Verse! We’re destroying it, completely and utterly,” Slott said in an interview. “We’re taking this thing you all dearly love and is a huge cash cow for Marvel and we’re just pouring gasoline on it, setting it on fire, and running away cackling. We’re having fun!”

He continued, “THE END OF THE SPIDER-VERSE will see Peter, Miles, and your favorite characters from previous Spider-Verse stories, along with all-new characters from the upcoming EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE mini, slam them all together, and bring the entire SPIDER-VERSE saga to a fiery close!”

“It’s going to have lots of action, surprises, but, most of all, it’s going to have a lot of heart! Even though this story will be epic, it will also have a profound effect on Peter Parker. You are not going to want to miss this,” Slott added.

Slott previously worked on ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ where he oversaw the widely controversial “Brand New Day” story arc.

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Jacob Airey
Jacob Aireyhttps://studiojakemedia.com/
Jacob Airey is an author, nerd, movie reviewer, and pop culture critic. He started this website in 2012 where he covers a vast variety of topics including film, TV, anime, and faith. He also hosts the YouTube vidcast StudioJake.

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