If you own one of New Wave Toys’ various 1:6 scale arcade cabinet replicas and want to add to the display potential, the company now offers to-scale stools. The die-cast metal stools are available with multiple colored seats and graphics.
Put those expensive Hot Toys figures to work … playing arcade games.
The six versions of the stools include:
- Black seat with white Cinematronics graphic
- Red seat with white Cinematronics graphic
- Blue seat with Q*Bert’s @!#?@! graphic
- Yellow seat with red Romstar graphics
- Plain red seat
- Plain black seat
Regardless of which style you choose, each stool is $19.99.
All the stool types have the same features:
- 1:6 Scale Replica Arcade Accurate Stool
- Limited Edition Design
- Extra Heavy-Duty Solid Die-cast Metal Construction
- Rubber Feet
- Chrome Plated
- Soft PU Padded Seat
- Works with Most Sixth Scale Action Figures
If these stools aren’t to your liking, there are alternatives. Laser MEGO offers more traditional barstools for $8 each. These are 3D printed. If you have a printer, check out sites like Thingiverse and make your own.
I own the early version of the Dragon’s Lair Replicade cabinet, and I’d pick one up if a stool were themed after the game. What’s holding me back from buying one is build quality. It may have been better to make these with a molded seat rather than using polyurethane leather.
From my experience, PU breaks down quickly. I get that New Wave Toys wanted to be as authentic as possible, but do we need to worry about how comfortable action figures are when they sit on one of these?
[Source: New Wave Toys]ClownfishTV.com strives to be an apolitical, balanced and based pop culture news outlet. However, our contributors are entitled to their individual opinions. Author opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of our video hosts, other site contributors, site editors, affiliates, sponsors or advertisers. This website contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We disclaim products or services we have received for review purposes, as well as sponsored posts.