‘Fatherhood’ is a Netflix comedy film starring Kevin Hart as Matthew Logelin, a single father trying to raise his daughter after his wife passes away. While reviews have been mixed, Hart’s performance has been praised. However, the ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’ actor took time to praise his baby co-star during an interview with The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, claiming the baby worked “fourteen-hour days.”
“I’m Kevin ‘The Real Baby Work-With-er’ Hart,” he retorted after Fallon joked that the baby was fake.
Hart also discussed playing against type in ‘Fatherhood.’
“The story is about a man whose life got flipped upside-down. He lost his wife after delivering a baby and was left with the idea of raising a child by himself after suffering one of the darkest moments in his life,” he said. “And there was a high level of doubt in what he could do, if he could do, and rather than giving up, he had to figure out a way to kind of bear down and stick with what life has thrown at him and make the best of it.”
“For me to take on the role it gave me the opportunity to show a Black father in a positive light,” he continued. “For some time, on the screen, on TV, if we’re not getting out of jail or on drugs or off drugs… there’s a significant struggle behind the image of a Black father. And I said, ‘This is an opportunity to just put it in a space of positivity.’ And that was my reason for taking on the role and also challenging myself to go a little deeper in acting. It’s a serious story, it’s emotional, and it has its waves, so I’m excited about the journey that I’m about to take my audience on.”
You can watch the clip below:
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