Gotta Snack Them All? Pokémon Oreos are Here To Ruin Your Diet

Oreo cookies over the years have been known to come in many fun, unique, and interesting flavors. Some had gimmicks like Pop Rocks or marshmallow bits. Others tasted like Peeps. Some allegedly tasted like Lady Gaga, but I’ll take their word for it.
The company synonymous with creme-filled sandwich cookies is sending customers on a hunt to catch 16 different Pokémon. Available for pre-order now, Oreo is making packages of their snack-themed after the long-running creature collecting game. Each package will consist of wafers stamped with familiar creatures from the franchise’s universe. Apparently, some of the characters will be rarer than others.


Discover 16 unique Pokémon designs while enjoying America’s favorite sandwich cookie with these limited-edition OREO Chocolate Sandwich Cookies. There are 16 Pokémon-themed OREO cookies to discover. But be aware, some Pokémon are harder to find than others. With a random assortment of Pokémon designs in every package, each package is a chance to find all 16, including one super rare Mythical Pokémon.

Is Mondelez International really trying to get you to buy a bunch of packages to “collect” rare Pokémon-imprinted cookies?! Phew. That’s a bit predatory. On the other hand, I used to speak at weight-loss groups about overcoming junk food urges, which would certainly make for a good subject.
Gotta catch them all … and snack on them all. In reality, the only thing you’re going to catch by downing 2,100 calorie boxes of sugar and fat is diabetes. Collecting food similar to how we collect comics, cards, or action figures is weird. How do you preserve a cookie? Dip it in resin? Vacuum seal it? This whole thing confuses me.

What are your thoughts on using the collecting aspect of Pokémon to sell boxes of cookies? Clever marketing or a health concern waiting to happen? Let us know in the comments.
[Source: Oreo]

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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalin
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central,, and Fanbolt.

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