‘Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club’ is an anime spin-off of the ‘Love Live’ Japanese animated franchise. The show was developed by Sunrise Studios and follows a musical club in their attempt to become popular idols at their school. The first season ended in December 2020 with a second season planned for April 2022. Shortly after this announcement, Funimation revealed that they had acquired the rights to produce an English dub.
“A new school means a whole new set of talented idols! We’re excited to announce that the Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club English dub is officially on its way to Funimation, and we’ve got your first details on release, cast and more,” Funimation said on their website. “… all 13 episodes of the Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club English dub will arrive on Funimation, so if you haven’t watched the series yet (or want to re-live the magic), there’s never been a better time.”
The English cast includes Madeline Dorroh (Wonder Egg Priority), Suzie Yeung (Pretty Boy Detective Club), Kayli Mills (Sword Art Online), Jill Harris (Black Clover), Shara Kirby (Kemono Jihen), Daisy Guevara (Akudama Drive), Laura Stahl (Edens Zero), Lisa Reimold (Gundam Build Divers Re: Rise), and Hayden Daviau (Goblin Slayer).
Funimation shared their excitement on Twitter:
Chasing after their dreams! 🎤✨
All 13 episodes of Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club arrive in English dub tomorrow!
Read more: https://t.co/ib5FTpdIyM pic.twitter.com/t7fmgI53O9
— Funimation (@Funimation) October 29, 2021
MyAnimeList describes the synopsis:
“Buried within the numerous clubs at Nijigasaki High School lies the school idol club. The club, while lacking popularity, definitely does not lack potential. During their debut performance, they were able to seize a sizable audience, along with the attention of their schoolmates Ayumu Uehara and Yuu Takasaki.
Enamored, the duo makes their way to join the club; however, they are disappointed to find out that the club had just been disbanded. Nevertheless, Ayumu does not believe that it should have ended there. Together with Yuu, they begin restoring the school idol club, hoping to recreate the idol performances that dazzled them before.
Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai shines its spotlight over the reformed school idol club as they recruit both former members of the club alongside newcomers. Taking the first step toward their dreams, how will these girls achieve idol stardom?”
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