For years I’ve covered indie horror films that had the unfortunate fate of being marketed under the guise of whatever the latest “thing” is. Think of Asylum mockbusters but with even less of a budget. Unfortunately, this year, the monster movie marketing trend will be cocaine-themed.
There are many movies that await distribution. Some sit for years until they find the right time to hit the market. If a distributor can slap a poster together that looks similar to a recent buzz-worthy film, they’ll do it without remorse. I get it. You have to do what you have to do to sell a movie to the public.
Such is the case with Cocaine Shark. I’m not exactly sure when this film was made, but I do know that it has nothing to do with the devil’s dandruff. In fact, the movie looks like it is a fun, campy monster flick featuring stop-motion monstrosities.
There’s not a single mention of cocaine in the trailer. This movie has 1970s fun written all over it. It looks cheap, the special effects are laughable, and it’s probably a great watch. Sadly, slapping a title on it to piggyback off of Elizabeth Banks’s movie does Cocaine Shark a disservice.
Check out the trailer below:
“A mafia drug lord has unleashed a new, highly addictive stimulant on the streets called HT25, derived from sharks held captive in a secret lab, and which causes monstrous side effects.” reads the film’s synopsis. “After an explosion and leak at the lab, an army of mutated, bloodthirsty sharks and other creatures are set loose on the world as a small band of people try to stop the carnage.”
Cocaine Shark will be available on DVD and video-on-demand on July 11th.
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