‘Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth’ is a fantasy action anime produced by the Japanese animation studio White Fox, directed by Kenichi Kawamura, and written by Itsuki Yokoyama. Released in 2022, it ran for a single season of twenty-eight episodes. Crunchyroll has announced that they have acquired the rights to produce an English dub version of the animated series.
They revealed the cast on their website:
- Anju voiced by Hillary Haag
- Atuy voiced by Christina Kelly
- Bokoinante voiced by Luis Galindo
- Cocopo voiced by Monica Rial
- Dekopompo voiced by James Belcher
- Haku voiced by Kregg Dailey
- Jachdwalt voiced by Houston Hayes
- Kiwru voiced by Shannon Emerick
- Kurarin voiced by Morgan Laure
- Lord voiced by Jeff Plunk
- Nekone voiced by Emily Neeves
- Nosuri voiced by Chelsea McCurdy
- Oshtor voiced by David Wald
- Ougi voiced by Gabriel Regojo
- Raiko voiced by Bryan Kaplun
- Rulutieh voiced by Monica Rial
- Saraana voiced by Katelyn Barr
- Shinonon voiced by Luci Christian
- Uruuru voiced by Katelyn Barr
Jeremy Inman is working on the project as the ADR director with Dallas Reid working as the Assistant ADR Director.
You can watch the trailer below:
MyAnimeList describes the synopsis as follows,
“After the events of Mask of Deception, the Yamato Empire is now ruled with an iron fist by a ruthless usurper who seeks to subjugate all before him. It’s up to a couple of familiar faces to band together against the might of the Imperial army, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance as nations and generals must pick a side to fight with in this perilous civil war. Secrets will be revealed, friendships will be tested, and battles will be fought. Will peace and order be restored or will victory at any cost be the beginning of the end?”
The anime is based on the Playstation visual novel video game Utawarerumono developed by Leaf and produced by Naoya Shimokawa.
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