James Gunn’s entry into the DC Extended Universe, ‘The Suicide Squad,’ is the third film to feature Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, following David Ayer’s ‘Suicide Squad’ and Cathy Yan’s ‘Birds of Prey.’ There has been some debate over whether this upcoming feature would be a sequel, making a Harley Quinn trilogy of some sort.
Speaking with Collider, producer Peter Safran finally shed some light, explaining that ‘The Suicide Squad’ will “ignore” previous DCEU movies.
When asked if it will explore Harley Quinn’s tumultuous relationship with the Joker, he gave a simple, “No.”
“We don’t address it,” he said. “We just don’t address it in any tangible form. Yes, they’re the characters [and] the actors that played them in the first movie. But we really wanted to make sure that this stands on its own two feet. So, again, it’s why… it’s not a sequel, but there are some characters that were in the first movie, right? So it’s not really a full reboot either. So we just call it James Gunn’s ‘The Suicide Squad.'”
When asked if ‘The Suicide Squad,’ would be a sequel to David Ayer’s film, he again stated that Gunn’s movie is a standalone feature having no connection to its predecessor. Safran explained that is how it was pitched to the studio.
“[The studio’s decision to return to the property] was driven in large part by James Gunn’s sudden availability that started July of last year,” he explained. “I always felt like it’s an incredible property and when I talked to James about it, his initial reaction was, ‘I’m not sure. Let me think about it.’ He thought about it a little bit and, mind you, it was just like, ‘Listen, who’s better to bring together a disparate group of outsiders on a mission? James Gunn.'”
Safran continued, “That was my pitch to him and his ultimate reaction was, ‘Ask Warner Bros. if I have to be bound by anything that has occurred before, any characters, or anything off-base, or can I just start from scratch?’ And the reaction was, ‘We want Suicide Squad from the mind of James Gunn.’ That’s what it is. So not a sequel. It’s not a reboot. It’s just James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad.”
The movie is set to be released on August 6, 2021 and stars Idris Elba, John Cena, Joel Kinnaman, Sylvester Stallone, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, and Peter Capaldi.
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