‘Tales of Symphonia: The Animation’ is an eleven-episode anime series based on the 2007 fantasy video game from Namco Tales Studio. The 2007 show was developed by the Japanese animation studio Ufotable, directed by Haruo Sotozaki, and written by Ryunosuke Kingetsu.
Discotek Media announced that they will be releasing all episodes on Blu-Ray with the original Japanese language and English subtitles. It has a planned release date of November 29, 2022 and it is available for pre-order on the Right Stuf Anime website.
You can watch the opening theme song “Canary in the Sky” below:
The cast of the show includes:
- Katsuyuki Konishi as Lloyd Irving
- Nana Mizuki as Collet Brunel (Colette Brunel)
- Ai Orikasa as Genius Sage (Genis Sage)
- Akemi Okamura as Shinha Fujibayashi (Sheena Fujibayashi)
- Fumihiko Tachiki as Kratos Aurion
- Masaya Onosaka as Zelos Wilder
- Yumi Touma as Refill Sage (Raine Sage)
- Akemi Satō as Anna Irving
- Ayumi Fujimura as Female student
- Haruka Tomatsu as Girl
- Kanako Tateno as Corrine
- Kazuki Ogawa as Priest B
- Masaharu Satō as Dike
- Shigeru Ushiyama as Kvar
- Shinji Kawada as Magnius
- Takahiro Yoshimizu as Forcystus
- Takaya Kuroda as Botta
- Takayuki Kondō as Student
- Taketora as Desian B
- Tetsuo Sakaguchi as Remiel
- Toshiyuki Morikawa as Yuan
- Tsuguo Mogami as Priest A
The Aselia Wiki describes the synopsis as follows,
“Two worlds exist, both unaware of the existence of the other. In order for one world to flourish, the other will have to perish. On the perishing world, a Chosen one is send on a journey to restore that world’s mana by awakening the Spirits and becoming an angel. Colette Brunel, the Chosen of Sylvarant, sets out on her journey, accompanied by her best friends Lloyd Irving and Genis Sage. As they travel further, they meet more friends and even more enemies, as they learn more and more about the truth behind the Journey of World Regeneration.”
The music for the show was composed by ZIZZ Studio.
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