Is your job at risk of becoming redundant, thanks to ChatGPT? In some ways, it may be possible. Certain positions in the workforce may be at risk due to relatively basic AI.
Over at ZDNet, the co-creator of Sophia the Robot believes employees could end up pink-slipped due to AI. Ben Goertzel made a humbling statement, “You don’t need to be incredibly creative and innovative or make big leaps to do most people’s jobs, as it turns out.”
One of the things Goertzel mentioned is how Grammarly has affected the blogging/editing/writing industry, “They don’t entirely eliminate [the job] but they decrease that need. Automatic tools [can be used for] writing journalistic articles. They’ve been writing … sports score summaries and weather reports for a long time.”
Although it is a helpful tool, Grammarly does have issues understanding context and a writer’s tone. Sometimes, out of the 70+ suggestions Grammarly has, I have to disregard most of them because it would change the piece’s voice or completely butcher a sentence.
Could ChatGPT replace many in the workforce? For specific industries, yes. Customer service could be replaceable with an entire AI system, except for advanced issues. While AI may be efficient, human ingenuity is still needed for out-of-the-box thinking.
Other office worker positions could also fall to the rise of AI. For example, employees responsible for recruiting could have a chunk of their tasks handled by artificial intelligence. A program could scour LinkedIn and every other resume database to find applicants, e-mail them interview offers, or even offer them a job.
What AI can’t currently replace is are tradespeople. AI isn’t going to put a new roof on your home, at least not in the immediate future. Until Boston Dynamics makes affordable robots, those of us who went into a trade instead of tech are safe. However, the further up the chain you are in a company, the more likely you will be replaceable, even in a construction company.
Think about it this way, the more paperwork you do, the closer you will be to being made redundant by AI. Your future employment may be spending your time finding bugs in OpenAI’s products.
What is your job? Could ChatGPT or another form of AI drastically reduce your day-to-day duties? Let us know in the comments section below.
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