‘Oshi no Ko’ is a supernatural drama manga written by Aka Akasaka, illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari, and published by ‘Weekly Young Jump’ since 2021. The Japanese animation studio Doga Kobo developed an anime adaption in 2023 with Daisuke Hiramaki tapped as director. Sentai Filmworks acquired the license to release it in North America on the HiDive streaming service and now they are producing an English dub.
They revealed the English cast on their website:
- Ai Hoshino – Donna Bella Litton
- Gorou – Jeremy Gee
- Sarina -Savanna Menzel
- Aqua – Jack Stansbury
- Ruby / Ruby (Young) – Alyssa Marek
- Aqua (Young) – Chaney Moore
- Kana – Natalie Rial
- Ichigo – Brandon Hearnsberger
- Miyako – Christina Kelly
- Taishi – Ty Mahany
Shannon D. Reed has been recruited as the English voice director.
You can watch the trailer for the series below:
MyAnimeList describes the synopsis as follows,
“Sixteen-year-old Ai Hoshino is a talented and beautiful idol who is adored by her fans. She is the personification of a pure, young maiden. But all that glitters is not gold. Gorou Amemiya is a countryside gynecologist and a big fan of Ai. So when the pregnant idol shows up at his hospital, he is beyond bewildered. Gorou promises her a safe delivery. Little does he know, an encounter with a mysterious figure would result in his untimely death—or so he thought.
Opening his eyes in the lap of his beloved idol, Gorou finds that he has been reborn as Aquamarine Hoshino—Ai’s newborn son! With his world turned upside down, Gorou soon learns that the world of showbiz is paved with thorns, where talent does not always beget success. Will he manage to protect Ai’s smile that he loves so much with the help of an eccentric and unexpected ally?”
Da Vinci magazine named ‘Oshi no Ko’ number 13 on their 2021 “Book of the Year” and number 25 on their 2022 list.
HiDive will release the dub on May 25, 2023.
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