‘My Isekai Life’ is an anime from the Japanese animation studio Revoroot that is set to be released in July 2022. The show will be based on the fantasy light novel and manga series written by author Shinkoshoto. Ahead of its release, Sentai Filmworks announced that they had acquired the rights to premiere the show in North America and will release it to the HiDive streaming service.
Sentai announced on their website that they had “acquired exclusive rights to My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World!, the genre-bending fantasy anime series based on the light novel of the same name. Sentai will stream the series exclusively on HIDIVE this Summer 2022 simulcast season.”
“Produced by studio Revoroot (Babylon, FLCL Alternative, I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level), the series is directed by Keisuke Kojima (animation director for Kill la Kill and One Punch Man) with series composition from Naohiro Fukushima (Eden of the East, The Daughter of 20 Faces). The series stars Chiaki Kobayashi (Vinland Saga, SK8 the Infinity, Moriarty the Patriot) as Yuji Sano, Azumi Waki (Ao-chan Can’t Study!, How Not to Summon a Demon Lord, Blend S) as Dryad and Wataru Takagi (Obsolete, Detective Conan, Great Teacher Onizuka) as Proud Wolf,” they continued.
While the show is set to be released in Japan on July 4, 2022, Sentai has not announced a release date, as of the writing of this article.
You can watch the trailer for the show below:
MyAnimeList describes the synopsis as follows,
“Yuuji Sano, a black company employee, is summoned to another world while finishing his work at home. His profession in the other world, a Monster Tamer, is considered a job that makes it difficult to become an adventurer. However, thanks to some slimes he met, which read several magical books, he gained magical powers and a second profession, Sage. Yuuji acquired overwhelming power, but is he conscious of his strength? Blindly becoming unparalleled and strongest in the world!”
The light novel series is released by SB Creative while the manga is published via Square Enix, which also publishes it in English for North America. The full title for the series is ‘My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World!’
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