Hasbro’s Holiday Optimus Prime Has A Thick Candy Cane

We’re officially in the Holiday Season. Halloween stuff was getting booted off the shelves in September, and Christmas was slowly creeping in. Now that we’re in November, it’s nothing but mistletoe, holly, and other things ending with “olly.” Not only are the Christmas decorations going up, but toy manufacturers have been shoving holiday-themed items onto shelves as early as August. Hasbro is no different. Starting today at 1 PM, you can pre-order a very Christmasy version of Optimus Prime. Transformers Generations Holiday Optimus Prime will retail for $55.99 and is due out this December, according to Figures.com.

This Prime is a bit like the yearly HESS vehicle. That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the white and red striped trailer and the huge “Happy Holidays” banner across the cab. I could see this being a yearly decoration to put under the tree. But wait, is Optimus Prime Jesus? He rose from the grave and cleansed Autobots and Decepticons of evil infecting their robotic souls. Oh, no. This is going to start some weird Transformers cult, isn’t it?!

As a collectible, it’s a fun gimmick, but something about the design struck me as odd. Look at the truck mode with the trailer attached below and see if you can spot what I’m talking about.




The striped ion blaster is kind of silly, but it looks extra suspicious when mounted under the trailer. Maybe the festive season gives Optimus a boost? A stiff, thick, bulging boost? I’m sorry, but it just looks too funny. Perhaps if it didn’t look like a phallic candy cane, the horse’s willy of a weapon wouldn’t draw so much attention.


Also coming soon is an evil spin on a classic Autobot. If you’ve had a hard time finding the ’86 Perceptor released earlier this year, you can always get the Decepticon version called Magnificus. He’s mostly the same figure but with a different color scheme and a different head. Transformers Generations Selects Deluxe Magnificus will be out in January and should retail for $24.99. Pre-orders for Magnificus will start today, November 1st, at 1 PM Eastern on HasbroPulse.



[Source: Figures.com]


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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalinhttp://syxxsense.com
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central, ScienceFiction.com, and Fanbolt.

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