Google Takes a Jab at Apple’s Outdated Tech with the iPager

Apple’s reliance on outdated technology regarding the iPhone has long been an issue for the less sycophantic fans of the company’s devices. Usually, the nagging goes unheard. However, Google and Android leverage Apple’s missteps to poke fun at the company with a parody commercial for the “technologically advanced” iPager.

Sure, it’s petty, but it brings to light many problems Apple has refused to address for over a decade. The caveman-levels of tech, mainly the reliance on SMS for texting with devices outside of the iDevice ecosphere.

Unsurprisingly, Android and Google didn’t take a swipe at Apple’s resistance to the various Right To Repair issues, but that’s an entirely different issue altogether.


It’s no secret that Apple has focused more on the appearance of innovation than putting it into practice. Where the original iPhone changed the mobile communications landscape in the early days, it has since fallen behind the strides made by others in the space.

It’s always entertaining to see Apple announce a “new” feature, treat it as an industry first, and then quickly see that it has been the standard on other phones for years. Steve Jobs’s company is very good at marketing, I’ll give them that. However, since Tim Cook took over, the wow factor of owning a new iPhone yearly has severely dwindled.

After the company’s laughable Mother Nature video debuted recently, I feel that Apple will try to disguise its lack of effort on the need to be carbon neutral or whatever the latest buzzword for lazy is. Maybe improve the terrible music library management system built into the phone and iTunes instead? Or quit relying on many proprietary systems when the competition is more open and user-friendly?

Had the company I worked for in 2008 not gotten all employees iPhones, I’m unsure if I would have ever willingly used one. I’m not an Apple guy, especially after the only Macbook Pro I owned had a display issue 14 months in, and Apple said I needed to pay $1,000 to repair it due to design flaws.

When was the last time you purchased an iPhone? What should Apple add to its stale mobile phone brand to make it relevant again? Let us know below!

[Source: Android’s Official YouTube Channel]

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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalin
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central,, and Fanbolt.

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