So, maybe you killed an American hero because the shadowy organization you work for told you to. It’s OK. You redeemed yourself by saving the world. Now maybe you’ll get your face on lunchboxes and Funko Pops. You can live with that, right? It was only Rick Flag who you put in a grave…
Peacemaker was a surprise for many of us. I was unsure if John Cena could carry a superhero TV series since the statue of the DCEU is in constant flux. However, Cena’s comedic timing and James Gunn’s writing did the trick for the most part. And, like with many other entries in pop culture, the characters of the HBO Max series now have their own Funko Pop figures.
We spotted these four new Pops over at the Big Bad Toy Store. Vigilante, Peacemaker (in his undies), Eagly, Judomaster, and Peacemaker being hugged by Eagly are on their way. Each Pop is priced at $12.99 and should be in stores during the second quarter of this year.
Aside from some Twitter-level writing when it came to social issues, Peacemaker was a fun ride, matching the outlandish nature of James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad sequel. No one is a hero, and there’s a lot of failure going on. However, when it comes to saving the world, even the most pathetic hero can pull it together in the end.
The show has been cleared for a second season, and let’s hope we get less social commentary and more character-driven stories. Peacemaker’s redemption is interesting, but I honestly could not care about Adebayo or Economos. Spoilers ahead: Too bad we lost Murn as digging into his backstory before being a host could have added more weight to his death.
What are your thoughts on Peacemaker as both a character and the series? Let us know your opinions in the comments section below.
[Source: Big Bad Toy Store] strives to be an apolitical, balanced and based pop culture news outlet. However, our contributors are entitled to their individual opinions. Author opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of our video hosts, other site contributors, site editors, affiliates, sponsors or advertisers. This website contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We disclaim products or services we have received for review purposes, as well as sponsored posts.