Following its June premiere in Japan, Crunchyroll announced that the upcoming sequel ‘Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’ will be hitting North American shores on August 11, 2022, and will also have an English dub version. The movie will see many returning voice actors as well as some new ones.
Sean Schemmel is making his return as the lovable Saiyan warrior Goku with the antagonist Dr. Hedo being voiced by Dragon Ball newcomer Zach Aguilar. We will also see the return of the Red Ribbon Army with androids Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 being voiced by Aleks Le and Zeno Robinson, respectively.
Crunchyroll also dropped an English dub trailer to hype up the fans:
Crunchyroll announced the rest of the cast on their website:
- Son Gohan – Kyle Hebert
- Son Goten – Robert McCollum
- Piccolo – Christopher R. Sabat
- Bulma – Monica Rial
- Vegeta – Christopher R. Sabat
- Krillin – Sonny Strait
- Trunks – Eric Vale
- Videl – Kara Edwards
- Pan – Jeannie Tirado
- Magenta – Charles Martinet
- Carmine – Jason Marnocha
They describe the synopsis as follows, “The Red Ribbon Army was once destroyed by Son Goku. Individuals, who carry on its spirit, have created the ultimate Androids, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2. These two Androids call themselves “Super Heroes”. They start attacking Piccolo and Gohan… What is the New Red Ribbon Army’s objective? In the face of approaching danger, it is time to awaken, Super Hero!”
Toei Animation was originally going to release the film in Japan on April 22, 2022, but pushed it back to June following a cyber attack on their corporation that affected many of their movies and TV shows.
As D-Rezzed previously reported, the studio explained that “the hack on Toei Animation was a ransomware virus that demanded a pay-off. Toei was able to confirm the existence of the virus and shut down its internal systems to investigate the extent of the virus’ reach. Details on the ransom, the virus itself, or where the virus may have come from, were not revealed.” strives to be an apolitical, balanced and based pop culture news outlet. However, our contributors are entitled to their individual opinions. Author opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of our video hosts, other site contributors, site editors, affiliates, sponsors or advertisers. This website contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We disclaim products or services we have received for review purposes, as well as sponsored posts.