‘Shoot!’ is a young adult sports manga created by Tsukasa Ooshima and published by Kodansha in their ‘Weekly Shōnen Magazine.’ It from 1990 to 2004 for a total of thirty-three volumes. Starting in July 2022, the Japanese animation studio EMT Squared launched a reboot of ‘Shoot’ in the form of an anime titled ‘Shoot! Goal to the Future.’ Crunchyroll recently announced that they had acquired the rights to produce an English dub.
“High-fives all around, because we’re celebrating the addition of another blood-pumping soccer anime to Crunchyroll’s growing lineup of SimulDubs with Shoot! Goal to the Future, which will officially kick off…” they said in a post.
Their website revealed the cast:
- Mike Haimoto (Akane in Run with the Wind) as Hideto Tsuji
- Nazeeh Tarsha (Ard in The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody) as Jo Kazama
- Ry McKeand (Ryoma in The Prince of Tennis) as Kohei Kokubo
- Ricco Fajardo (Yuuma in Aoashi) as Yoshiharu Kubo
- Matthew David Rudd (Panda in JUJUTSU KAISEN) as Atsushi Kamiya
- Kevin D. Thelwell (Mita in Tribe Nine) as Subaru Kurokawa
- Tia Ballard (Nene in Toilet-bound Hanako-kun) as Ayaka
- Emi Lo (Destiny in takt op.Destiny) as Namioka
- Cory Phillips (Yona in Fire Force) as Sahara
- Mark Allen Jr. (Hiiragi in The Fruit of Evolution) as Sonoda
- Brian Mathis (Bizen in RE-MAIN) as Nomada Coach
Caitlin Glass will be the ADR Director with Emi Lo working as the Assistant ADR Director.
You can watch the trailer for the series below:
MyAnimeList described the synopsis as follows,
“Atsushi Kamiya is a former captain at Kakegawa High School and the world-renowned “courageous captain” for a famous Italian soccer team. Hideto Tsuji is a student at the same school, who seems uninterested in the now-weakened soccer team. Their meeting is the start of a new legend.”
The first anime adaption of the sports manga was Toei Animation’s ‘Aoki Densetsu Shoot’ ran for fifty-eight episodes from November 7, 1993 to December 25, 1994. A short film adaptation was released in 1994, directed by Daisuke Nishio, also by Toei Animation.
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