‘The Deer King’ is a fantasy novel series written by Nahoko Uehashi and published by Kadokawa that ran from September 2014 to July 2017. It would later be adapted into a manga illustrated by Taro Sekiguchi that ran from July 26, 2021, to March 2, 2022. The Japanese animation studio Production I.G has developed a feature film adaptation directed by Masashi Ando that had its premiere at the 2021 Annecy International Animation Film Festival before getting a wide release.
GKids has announced they are releasing it in the United States and with an English voice cast for the movie.
According to the GKids website, their English dub cast includes:
- Van – Ray Chase
- Hohsalle – Griffin Puatu
- Sae – Erica Schroeder
- Yuna – Luciana VanDette
- Tohlim – Doug Stone
- Aquafa King – Neil Kaplan
- Kenoi – Frank Todaro
- Makokan – Luis Bermudez
- Ohfan – Keith Silverstein
- Yotalu – Chris Hackney
- Utalu – Doug Erholtz
- Shikan – Xander Mobus
- Van’s Wife – Larissa Gallagher
- Van’s Son – Michael Deaner
- Tohma – Stefan Martello
- Ohma – Steve Kramer
- Ohma’s Wife – Edna Larsen
- Kiya – Larissa Gallagher
- Yoki – Marc Thompson
- Yoki’s Wife – Stephanie Sheh
- Yoki’s Son – Michael Deaner
You can watch the trailer below:
MyAnimeList describes the synopsis as follows,
“In the years following a vicious war, the Empire of Zol now controls the land and citizens of rival Aquafa—except for Aquafa’s Fire Horse Territory, where wild dogs that once carried the deadly Black Wolf Fever continue to roam free. When a pack of dogs race through a Zol-controled mine, Van, an enslaved former soldier, and a young girl named Yuna are both bitten, but manage to escape as the sole survivors of the attack. Finally free, Van and Yuna seek out a simple, peaceful existence in the countryside. But as the deadly disease once again runs rampant, they find themselves at the crossroads of a struggle much larger than any one nation.”
The movie is written by Taku Kishimoto and features music from Harumi Fuuki.
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