‘Buddy Daddies’ is an action comedy anime created by Vio Shimokura and animated by P.A. Works released in January 2023. It is produced by Nitroplus and Aniplex with Crunchyroll announcing that they are producing an English dub.
They released the cast list on their website:
- Kazuki voiced by Landon McDonald (Rampo in Bungo Stray Dogs)
- Rei voiced by David Matranga (Todoroki in My Hero Academia)
- Miri voiced by Emi Lo (Kate in SHADOWS HOUSE, Ane in Requiem of the Rose King)
- Kyutaro voiced by Austin Tindle (Ishigami in Kaguya-sama: Love is War)
Shawn Gann is working on the project as the ADR Director and Sara Ragsdale joining as the Assistant ADR Director.
You can watch the trailer below:
The series is directed by Yoshiyuki Asai while Shimokura writes the scripts with Yūko Kakihara. Katsumi Enami designed the characters while Souichirou Sako and Sanae Satō work as the chief animation directors. Japanese pop band Roundtable member Katsutoshi Kitagawa is handling the music for the television show.
MyAnimeList describes the synopsis as follows,
“Assassins Kazuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa meet Miri, a girl looking for her father on Christmas Day. Kazuki, Rei, and Miri unexpectedly end up living together.
Follows Kazuki Kurusu, a criminal contractor/coordinator who lives with his best friend, Rei Suwa, a professional assassin who has been raised from childhood to be a contract killer. Kazuki is outgoing and loves gambling and women, while Rei is a man of few words who spends his off time playing video games. One day, the two buddies end up caring for Miri Unasaka, a four-year-old girl whose father is a mafia boss, after Miri accidentally wanders into a firefight in a hotel while looking for her father.”
CBR reports that the creators said they interviewed staff members who have children of their own to get inspiration for the anime.
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