Join the WebReef Media Team!
WebReef Media is always looking for authentic, knowledgeable fan voices to write for our network sites. If you’re a solid writer who is looking to make some extra money talking about your hobbies and interests, we’d like to meet you!
We pay writers per article based on word count (above and below 300 words) and you can expect to get paid weekly. We also give bonuses for articles that are leads used for video and podcast content, and will reimburse for expenses for review materials on a case-by-case basis.
Basic Qualifications
- Ability to work remotely with your own computer and internet access
- Ability to write well, write objectively and write often
- Ability to be a self-starter and find topics to write about
- Ability to meet deadlines is a must
- Ability to listen to editorial direction is a must
- Experience using the WordPress CMS
- Ability to do basic photo editing for articles
- Prior experience writing for other publications preferred
- Knowledge of AP Style preferred
Additional Qualifications
- Knowledge of topics you’re writing about (i.e. don’t write about games if you don’t actually play games)
- Ability to work well with others for the good of the site, even those with differing opinions
- Ability to avoid unnecessary online drama that would negatively impact our sites
- Ability to take constructive criticism in stride (i.e. we might ask for some changes, edit your content or nix a story at our discretion)
- Ability to handle occasional rude comments from site visitors (it happens.)
- We do welcome different voices, but do not want people to filter every article through their own political lens. If you’re an activist, this might not be a good fit for you.
Here are the current positions available… Freelance Writer
Do you love pop culture, and want to write for an apolitical ‘nerd’ site that covers movies, games, anime, comics and more from a fan and consumer point of view? Do you want to party like it’s 1999? If so, is always on the lookout for new writers! is an independently-owned, fan-powered pop culture news source that isn’t beholden to studios or media conglomerates. We cover news objectively — albeit sometimes snarkily — from a consumer and fan perspective. And we don’t sugarcoat it. writers are expected to have knowledge of their particular areas of expertise.
For example, if you write about games, we expect you to actually play games. If you write about comics, we expect you to read comics. You get the idea.
You don’t have to know everything about every topic, of course. But a good working knowledge of the stuff you’re being paid to write about is essential.
(It’s a pretty simple requirement, yet it’s seemingly difficult for so many sites to vet their writers. Go figure.)
Here are the topical areas we are currently interested in…
Movies and TV (News, Reviews and Rumors)
- Major ‘Geek’ Franchises: Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, etc.
- Hollywood and Box Office News
- Linear TV and Streaming News
- Sci-Fi
- Horror
- Wrestling
- Celebrity News
- Interviews with Industry Professionals
Video Games (News and Reviews) with a heavier focus on…
- Japanese-Style Games
- Indie Games
- Retro and Retro-Style Games
- Japanese Publishers (Nintendo, Sega, etc.)
- Gaming Culture
- Interviews with Gaming Industry Professionals
Anime (News and Reviews)
- Anime Series
- Manga and Light Novels
- Japanese Toys and Collectibles
- Japanese Culture and Pop Culture
- Interviews with Animation Industry Professionals
Tabletop Gaming (News and Reviews)
- RPGs
- Board Games
- Indie Games
- Crowdfunding (Kickstarter AND IndieGoGo)
- Interviews with Tabletop Industry Professionals
Toys and Collecting (News and Reviews)
- Action Figures
- Collectibles
- Toy Industry News and Rumors
- Interviews with Toy Industry Professionals
Comic Book (News and Reviews)
- Mainstream comics (Marvel, DC, Image, etc.)
- Indie Comics and Graphic Novels
- Webcomics and WEBTOON
- Comic Book Industry News and Rumors
- Crowdfunding (Kickstarter AND IndieGoGo)
- Interviews with Comic Industry Professionals
Comic Culture (News and Reviews)
- Comic Cons
- Cosplay
Creating with a Focus on INDIE Entertainment
- Art / Comics
- Gaming
Animation News (News and Reviews)
- U.S. and Global Animation News and Reviews
- Animation Industry News
- Interviews with Animation Industry Professionals
Internet Culture
- e-Celeb News and Rumors
- Tech News related to Pop Culture (i.e. Social Media shakeups, etc.)
Weird News
- Paranormal
- WTF News or Funny Finds
Fill out the application below and let us know why you’d be a good fit! We keep applications on hand for several months and reach out to qualified writers as needed.
[Applications Being Taken Soon! Stay Tuned!]