What Would Iron Studios’ Power Rangers Diorama Be Without Alpha?

When we reported on Iron Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers diorama last Summer, we noticed that a particular character was absent. Moreover, the set was missing an annoying, manic robot who made C-3PO look chill by comparison. That’s right; Alpha 5 was missing in action.
This week Iron Studios rectified this issue by announcing Alpha would finally join the mix. The spastic robot and Zordon’s, for a lack of a better word, slave will be $99.99 and $129.99 when he launches during the third quarter of this year.
Alpha 5 will come in two models, standard and deluxe. The deluxe model has a console and gem attached to the base, while the standard one does not. The price difference is $30, as the standard release is $99.99.
The statue is made from polystone and is hand-painted. Where, exactly, he fits into the Power Rangers diorama isn’t clear, but it’s probably supposed to go in the back. You know where people cannot see him.

Iron Studios
Iron Studios
Iron Studios
Alpha 5 was either omitted on purpose or because no one thought he’d sell.
Power Rangers came out when I was in my teens, where I was more entertained by cynicism and MTV than this type of show. So, I never got into it until the show became a proto-meme in the 2000s. I do, however, remember the non-stop marketing campaign when the first movie hit theatres.

Do you know what Alpha 5 reminds me of? A Psalty the Singing Pslam Book character. Look at him! You cannot tell me that he doesn’t look like something you’d see in an episode of Colby!

What do you think of Alpha’s inclusion in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers diorama? Would you be willing to drop $100 to make sure the entire set was complete? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
[Source: Iron Studios]


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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalinhttp://syxxsense.com
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central, ScienceFiction.com, and Fanbolt.

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