Review: Post Void – Overbearing Flashy Weirdness

Post Void is a fast-paced roguelike shooter for multiple platforms that will have you frantically running through corridors and scrambling to find a goal. But while it is a hyperchaotic first-person shooter with visuals that are reminiscent of classic DOOM games, it is very hard to recommend. A combination of overbearing flashes, weird visuals, and a cryptic setting make this a game that many people won’t connect with beyond a few play sessions. The game is meant to be played over and over again, but you most likely won’t want to do so after trying it out a few times. You’ll have seen enough and won’t want to feel like you’re suffering from epilepsy.

The overall setup for Post Void is very shallow but very reminiscent of 90s first-person shooters. You’re put into a weird place that is filled with monsters and creepy visuals, while you hold an idol that constantly drains its light. You need to keep the idol filled, which you do by killing enemies you encounter while searching for a portal to exit. But you have no time to linger around because once the idol drains from taking damage or becoming empty over time, you’ll lose and have to start all over again. There’s a very little story beyond what you’re given after the tutorial. When you hit Start on the menu, it’s go-time and you’ll stop thinking as you rush through everything ahead of you.

As crazy looking and weird as the visuals are, you have no time to take them in if you want to get further ahead in the eleven stages the game has. It’s similar to playing through the original DOOM on PC, but if you gave yourself seconds to run through to the end of each level, with little to no resources at your disposal until you reach the end of a stage. For those that love twitchy, aggressive shooters this might sound like a fun premise, but for everyone else, it will be frustrating.

What makes every aspect of Post Void harder to endure is the constantly flashing lights and quick images that appear on screen, both during gameplay and right after you end a run. This can, and most likely will be, overbearing to the majority of people who cannot see aggressive visuals like this. There is an Accessibility Mode option you can turn on that takes out the sudden flashing images at the end of a run, but it does little to nothing about the flashing lights in most cases. In both instances, the game can be difficult to play, with the overall presentation being very hard on one’s eyes even when playing for a short period of time.

If you’re able to endure all of this, is the game still fun to play overall? The repetition can get annoying if you get further into the stages, despite replayability being a staple to the roguelike genre. Finishing each stage allows you to choose a power-up to use, which can range from new weapons to ability perks that make you stronger. Aiming for headshots is key to getting ahead faster and keeping the idol filled, despite aiming for a few weapons feeling off at times.

Some bonuses feel useless at first, like the ability to run faster backward, but can find some uses in the hands of someone clever. It’s not always obvious for how you can exploit the bonuses to their fullest. But this also comes with another negative as you complete runs. You don’t get to keep your bonuses or unlock them for future runs, which can be disappointing if you find yourself losing to a cheap scenario in a later stage.

Speaking of cheap, the randomness of enemy placements and bonuses can be a real hindrance for everyone. Sometimes right when you start a level an enemy will already be right in your face attacking, leaving no time to react or notice before you get hurt. The more annoying obstacle to deal with is the countdown text that gets in the way of your view when moving around.

If the idol is almost drained of light, a countdown will take up the screen in front of you and make it more difficult to see, almost ensuring your failure on that run. In moments like that, it’s critical to try and defeat an enemy to replenish the idol, but an obscured view makes this nearly impossible in most scenarios. This along with other visual design choices could’ve been tweaked to make things more bearable for the player.

Post Void won’t be a game for everyone, especially for those who will struggle with its visuals. The fast gameplay might help you feel nostalgic for those classic-style first-person shooters, but your appreciation for it may quickly fade. You can definitely get a few runs through within a short period of time, but after a while of repeating the same levels over and over again with little to no progress, it can become annoying and not fun to play anymore. Some people may love it, while the majority of others will not.

Are you a big fan of first-person shooter games? Love to check out new indie games you find here and there? Tell us about everything in the comments below and let us know!

Post Void
  • 50%
    Post Void - 50%


The game is fast-paced with its shooting but can be overbearing with its visuals. The flashes of light and images will bother some players, even with accessibility settings turned on. There is a bit of story at the beginning, which gets lost in the repetitive gameplay that can quickly become frustrating. This won’t be something many will want to revisit often. strives to be an apolitical, balanced and based pop culture news outlet. However, our contributors are entitled to their individual opinions. Author opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of our video hosts, other site contributors, site editors, affiliates, sponsors or advertisers. This website contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. We disclaim products or services we have received for review purposes, as well as sponsored posts.

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Jakejames Lugo
Jakejames Lugo
Jakejames Lugo is a writer and content creator that has been covering video games, movies, and various sides of entertainment for over a decade. He has published reviews and articles on many different outlets and continues to make content for different platforms. Jakejames also makes video content regularly for places like YouTube and TikTok, and share daily posts about gaming on social media.

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