Predator 2’s ‘Boar’ Returns As NECA’s Next Ultimate Figure

Boar, the nickname given to the city-stalking Yautja of Predator 2, is my favorite hunter in the series. He had the best gadgets, killing drug-dealing criminals while sparing pregnant women. Boar managed to be a badass while still tipping his hat to the ladies.
After a bit of a break, this specific Predator returns to NECA‘s line of 1/12 scale action figures. This time, Boar is part of the Ultimate line, which means greater detail, more accessories, and a heftier price tag.
Boar has appeared multiple times over the years. I can remember this guy showing up as long as over ten years ago. However, the “Ultimate” version seems to have a new buck and detailed parts. In addition, the paint job is a lot better than the figure that was in the 4th wave of the Predator toyline all those years ago.
The other difference comes in the number of accessories. These include an unmasked head, two versions of the deadly smart disc, two versions of the spear, chest armor, plasma cannon with shoulder mount, alternate hands, plasma blast effect piece, and a few other odd bits. Boar also has 30+ points of articulation and will arrive on our planet to collect trophies this September.


Dubbed “Boar” because of the mask he wears, this fierce hunter features a new Ultimate body with over 30 points of articulation. He comes loaded with accessories, including masked and unmasked heads, smart discs, extended and collapsed spears, shoulder cannon with detachable blast effect, trophy necklace, chest armor, and more!

Now, where’s the rerelease of the trophy case? This accessory was released in 2013, but now is the time for a reissue with ALL of the skulls included. Don’t make me collect a bunch of Predator figures just to fill out a diorama. Come on!

Let us know what you think about the return of Boar below.
[Source: NECA]

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Mike Phalin
Mike Phalin
Longtime problematic entertainment journalist. The former workhorse for Dread Central,, and Fanbolt.

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