‘Farming Life In Another World’ is a fantasy isekai light novel series written by Kinosuke Naito, illustrated by the artist Yasumo, and published by Enterbrain since 2017. Its popularity led to an anime adaption from the Japanese animation studio Zero-G in 2023, releasing twelve episodes. Sentai Filmworks announced that they had acquired the license to premier the show in the United States, debuting it on the HiDive streaming service.
At Anime Boston 2023, Sentai revealed that they would produce an English dub and also stream it to HiDive starting on June 8, 2023. They tasked voice actor John Swasey as the director.
The Anime News Network revealed the voice cast online:
- Blake Shepard as Hiraku Machio
- Katelyn Barr as Lea
- Luci Christian as Lu Lulucy
- Monica Rial as Tia
- Adam Gibbs as Grattz
- Allison Sumrall as Flowrem
- Andrew Love as Dryme
- Annie Wild as Flora
- Cat Thomas as Sena
- Chelsea McCurdy as Hakuren
- Christina Kelly as Lamulias
- Donna Bella Litton as Lastismoon
- Genevieve Simmons as Ya
- Jeremy Gee as Daga
- Joe Daniels as Beezel
- Liz Arends as Granmaria
- Luis Galindo as Donovan
- Mark X Laskowski as Randan
- Shannon Emerick as Anne
- Alyssa Marek as Leef
You can watch the trailer for the anime below:
MyAnimeList describes the synopsis as follows,
“During the final years of his life, Hiraku Machio remained confined to a hospital bed with a terminal illness until he finally passed away. Taking pity on the unfair life he lived, a god decides to reincarnate Hiraku in another world where he can live as he pleases. Wanting to try farming in this new life, he is bestowed with an all-in-one “Almighty Farming Tool” that can transform into any useful implement he wishes. Hiraku is then transported to a forest seemingly far from civilization. Here, he plans to build and farm everything from scratch—gradually developing the lifeless area into a thriving new society.”
A manga version of the hit series has been released by the Tokyo-based publisher Fujimi Shobo and illustrated by Yasuyuki Tsurugi. They also published a spin-off ‘The Everyday Farming Life in Another World’ illustrated by Yuji. They are serialized in the ‘Monthly Dragon Age’ magazine.
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