‘Ranking of Kings’ is a fantasy coming-of-age manga created by Sōsuke Tōka. Starting in May 2017, it now has amassed eleven volumes and continues to run. Japanese animation company Wit Studio picked it up for an anime that launched in October 2021. Funimation announced that they had acquired the rights to produce an English dub for North American audiences.
“Bojji’s journey has begun! We’re excited to announce that the Ranking of Kings English dub is officially on its way to Funimation, which means there’s never been a more perfect time to jump into this beautiful adventure from WIT Studio and Aniplex,” Funimation said on their website. “Episode 1 of the Ranking of Kings English dub will arrive on Funimation, so if you haven’t met the young Prince Bojji or his shadow companion Kage just yet, you now have even more options to experience the magic!”
They continued, “The English voice cast for the series includes Emily Fajardo (Dr. STONE, FAIRY TAIL) as Bojji, SungWon Cho (RADIANT, Aggretsuko) as Kage, Justin Briner (My Hero Academia, Black Clover) as Daida and Luci Christian (My Hero Academia, One Piece) as Hiling.”
The rest of the cast includes Christopher Wehkamp, Cris George, Bryce Papenbrook, and Ben Phillips with Caitlin Glass serving as ADR Director.
You can watch the trailer below:
Here is the synopsis according to MyAnimeList,
“The people of the kingdom look down on the young Prince Bojji, who can neither hear nor speak. They call him “The Useless Prince” while jeering at his supposed foolishness.
However, while Bojji may not be physically strong, he is certainly not weak of heart. When a chance encounter with a shadow creature should have left him traumatized, it instead makes him believe that he has found a friend amidst those who only choose to notice his shortcomings. He starts meeting with Kage, the shadow, regularly, to the point where even the otherwise abrasive creature begins to warm up to him.
Kage and Bojji’s unlikely friendship lays the budding foundations of the prince’s journey, one where he intends to conquer his fears and insecurities. Despite the constant ridicule he faces, Bojji resolves to fulfill his desire of becoming the best king he can be.”
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