GKids is bringing the European animated film ‘Chicken For Linda’ to the United States for a run in cinemas and for a home video release. Directed by the husband and wife team Chiara Malta and Sébastien Laudenbach, the duo also wrote the screenplay.
“GKIDS, celebrating its 15th anniversary as a producer and distributor of award-winning and artist-driven animation from around the world, announced today it has acquired the North American distribution rights for the hand-painted animated drama-comedy CHICKEN FOR LINDA! (Linda veut du poulet!), which will play in-competition at this year’s Annecy International Film Festival. CHICKEN FOR LINDA! was an official Cannes selection in this year’s ACID program, and was previously teased at a sold-out Work-in-Progress session at last year’s Annecy International Film Festival,” GKids said on their website.
They added, “GKIDS will release CHICKEN FOR LINDA! theatrically in 2024, following a domestic release in France this October. International sales are represented by Charades.”
GKIDS’ President David Jesteadt expressed his excitement in a statement, “Chicken For Linda! is a breath of fresh air in animation.”
“Through pairing such a unique and daring visual style with a deeply emotional and universal story about family, directors Chiara Malta and Sébastien Laudenbach have given us something both timeless and new, that we cannot wait to share,” he continued.
You can watch the trailer below:
GKids describes the synopsis as follows,
“Paulette feels guilty after unjustly punishing her daughter Linda and would do anything to make it up to her. Linda immediately asks for a meal of chicken with peppers, which reminds her of the dish her father used to make. But with a general strike closing stores all across town and pushing people into this streets, this innocent request quickly leads to an outrageous series of events that spirals out of control, as Paulette does everything she can to keep her promise and find a chicken for Linda.”
The movie stars Clotilde Hesme, Laetitia Dosch, Estéban, Claudine Acs, Patrick Pineau, and Mélinée Leclerc.
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