Disney World Guests are PURE TRASH…

Some Disney World guests keep getting trashier and trashier. A brand new Muppets display was DESTROYED by WDW park guests within an HOUR of being opened. So why should Disney even bother theming queues and dining areas if their guests are just going to destroy them anyway?

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Disney World guests, including parents and children, are exhibiting reckless and destructive behavior, vandalizing park attractions, and disregarding rules, which is ruining the experience for others and contributing to the decline of the park’s quality.

00:00 Disney World guests, including kids and adults, are vandalizing park attractions while parents fail to supervise.

01:47 Disney World guests, including children and their parents, exhibit disgusting and destructive behavior, damaging park property and disregarding rules.
03:44 Disney World guests are reckless and irresponsible, allowing their children to destroy attractions on opening day due to lack of supervision and a “my kid can do no wrong” mentality.

04:39 Disney World guests’ entitled behavior and disregard for rules ruin the experience for others.

06:10 Disney World guests’ vandalism and theft of park decorations and props may lead to removal or simplification of attractions.

08:00 Disney World guests’ destructive behavior, such as vandalism and disregard for rules, contributes to the perceived decline of Imagineering and may also be a problem at other theme parks like Universal.

09:00 Disney World guests often neglect to supervise their kids and report incidents, leading to reckless behavior and blaming Disney for accidents.

10:26 Disney World guests, especially parents, are often inattentive and destructive, ruining experiences for others.

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