Transformers / Energon Universe outsold every DC comic book in May 2024. Even Batman. That is NOT a good sign for the overall health of this comic book publisher, or the direct market as a whole. On no planet should there be more buzz around a licensed toy comic than there is Batman, Superman or X-Men. But here we are…
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Licensed toy comics, such as Transformers and GI Joe, are outselling mainstream DC Comics, highlighting the problems with the comic book industry’s current strategies and focus.
00:00 DC Comics is struggling, with licensed toy comics like Transformers outselling them and gaining new readers.
03:26 Transformers comic book outsold every DC comic book, including Batman, in May 2024.
05:40 DC Comics is being outsold by other franchises, including Transformers and GI Joe, due to artificially inflated sales numbers and fan fatigue with constant reboots.
08:33 DC Comics is losing direction and alienating its traditional audience by prioritizing a “woke” agenda over established character traits and mainstream appeal.
10:30 DC Comics is struggling financially and losing readers due to reboots and gimmicks, while franchises like Transformers thrive by sticking to basics.
13:07 DC Comics faces a significant sales slump, outdone by consistently competent titles like Transformers, due to its rebooting strategy alienating readers.
16:02 DC Comics is alienating readers by altering beloved characters’ histories and identities without continuity or editorial cohesion, leading to declining sales.
17:29 DC Comics needs to go back to basics with its core characters and provide a solid, consistent product to appeal to a wider demographic and increase sales.
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